Meissner K-G Viscorule, by Dr. Ing. H. Roth

Country of manufacture: Germany,            Date of manufacture: ____
Overall length: 33.1 cm,          Width: 4.8 cm,           Weight: 79.7 gms.
Materials: All plastic; plastic end braces glued onto back
Cursor: 4.2 X 6.0 X 0.9 cms; plastic runners holding plastic lens, adjustable; lines = one on front, three on back
Scales: 26, some specialized; extensions on A, B, C, D
Front: A1 (cSt), A2 (E), B1/B2 (Wp) [ C1 (ν1), D1/6 (m50/70, m98.9/100, m50/90, m20/50, m37.8/50, m50/100), E1 (νt1) ] F1 , G1 (W), H1 (t°C), H2 (ϑ°F)
Back: L (also °API), R (ν15.6), K, A [ B, Z, C ] D, E (ν98.9), F (L(ν)), G (D(ν))
Gauge Marks: [ π, many marks for conversion factors on back side ]
Condition: C4 (signs of minimal use) but noticeably discolored.
Came with: light brown plastic sheath; closing flap broken off